Liebe Leser


Dear BNC members, donors and people interested in the movement

Thank you for your membership or your interest in developing BNC respectively. BNC has now reached a crucial point – we are reliant on your cooperation and aid!

Corona pandemic and BNC

The four BNC core topics aiming at a profound change of consciousness are not aligned at health or worldwide pandemics. Nevertheless, the pandemic unveils important steps of consciousness:

  • These days, humanity builds a unit; each person is connected to everyone;
  • Mankind and nature build a global unit. We are only able to live on in harmony with nature, therefore we have to respect its stress limit. Otherwise the biosphere will perceive humanity as disruptive and usurp it. Nature doesn’t need mankind, but mankind needs a well-balanced and healthy environment. For nature, national borders are meaningless.
  • Those huge global challenges cannot be addressed nationalistic by countries, but only through intensive international cooperation and supranational agreements. Using the principle of subsidiarity, we bring the decisions and cooperation on a coherent level of decision making covering local (municipality) up to global (federation of states). All those levels matter to us. 

BNC founding event: lecture of prof. Gerald Hüther postponed to Sunday 30 August

Due to the pandemic measures the event had to be postponed from 20 June to 30 August. Tickets are already on sale on our website. Sold tickets remain valid on 30 August (see website: activities: actual). The general assembly takes place at 1.30pm, followed by a little aperitif at 3.30pm and the lecture of Gerald Hüther at 4pm. The event ends at around 5.45pm. The general assembly is dedicated to the founding of an international BNC federation. We would be very pleased of your participation!

get ticket!

Strategy – national BNCs

We would like to see the formation of national BNCs in at least 20 countries within the next 12 to 24 months. Each one will need about 2000 - 4000 members in order to establish/finance a small, professional secretariat. In a next step, each country can arrange constitutional initiatives (modifications in the constitution) which are based on the specific national strategy. That is how the national BNCs will gain a huge public interest including media coverage. The number of members will increase further. Another three to four years later the second constitutional initiative will be taken into the public sphere, and so on…
That’s how an intensive process of change of consciousness can be launched, leading to new articles in the constitutional law. After 10 to 30 years the process can be completed: the majority of population, of parliamentarians, the whole country will have agreed on a peaceful coexistence with nature and more distributive justice among humanity, both effects leading to social security and peace. Growth will continue in non-materialistic sectors, rather than in private wealth. The consumption of resources and nature degradation will decrease.

BNC: setup – structures – functions

Due to today’s status the BNC has about 110 members: around 70 in Switzerland, 25 in Germany and 8 in Austria. At the moment BNC is getting established in three countries: Germany, Switzerland, Burkina Faso. Hopefully new countries will be added to this list soon. The addresses of the national coordinators are enlisted on the BNC homepage organization: countries. Whoever would like to contribute or to participate can get in touch with these coordination units. In Germany and Switzerland, the national BNCs should be established until mid-July. Each country needs a board with a committee (possibly female or male and female mixed), a flat hierarchy but clear decision-making processes. Every country needs specialists who share the voluntary work in the first year: if possible two finance experts (2-5 hours per week), as well as specialists for administration (secretariat, 5-15 hours per week), for IT (website software, 5-10 hours per week) and for media relations. 
In combination with the committee they form kind of a decentralized administration office, which requires good communication. After the first year, the national associations should be able to finance a professionalized office.

Appeal: >> very important!

  • Who can/would like to participate in the board? You will develop concepts and strategies. Please get in touch with the national coordination as soon as possible.
  • Who can/would like to participate as a specialist for a year? You will be a member of the board or a committee member. Sectors: administration/finances/IT (website software)/ media relations. You don’t have to be an expert to 100%, but you must be willing to give your best!
  • AND Everyone should spring into action once again! Now is a period of upheaval. BNC is able to explode, so to speak, thanks to your work.

Order the manifesto brochure (available only in German) in the secretariat, send it to 10 or 30 friends, display them (after the corona crisis). Or send an email to 50 up to 100 colleagues, attach the manifesto abstract (which can be downloaded on the website: texts/medias: Manifest Kurzbeschrieb), insert a link to our website (see further below) and remind everyone: Now is the time to change our orientation. Become member of BNC. Think global! Send it to friends in France, Sweden, USA, New Zealand, India, Senegal, Kenya, Japan…

get publications!

International federation and office

As from the summer of 2020 we will need an international coordination unit of BNC. I suppose that it makes sense for me to perform this function for 2 to 3 years, thereby I can guard the vision of BNC. It seems sensible for me to participate in the Swiss board but not in the presidium, ensuring my integration and the exchange. These are today’s thoughts. 


In these pandemic times we have to work together differently: we are not allowed to meet physically. That’s a pity! But we will cope with the situation. I wish you all good health, serenity and vigour. 


Kind regards

Gil Ducommun, president BNC

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